How to Make Cannabis Cookies. The simple way!

Welcome to, the cannabis for everyone site, where we provide a judgment free zone to learn and talk all about cannabis. Today I’m going to be explaining how to make cannabis cookies, the simple way! As always, this is not medical advice, and is written for educational purposes only.

Society as a whole, tends to over-complicate things these days. Personally, I like to try and simplify things for myself and others, if I can. This is why I decided to write about the simple way to make cannabis cookies. Although this method could be used for more than just making cookies. So, Let’s dive into things.

Why make cookies, and not just buy them?

Well, the first response would be that it is cheaper. However, a lot of people don’t just have access to cannabis edibles. Therefore, they have to make them. This is how it was for me when I first started experimenting with edibles. I had to make them because I could not buy them.

So, I started to do a little research, and I looked into how to make cannabis edibles. I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed. Which is why I now feel it is important to help everyone do it the simple way.

Another reason I prefer to make my edibles rather than buy them, is because I know what’s in them that way. Whether you are buying from a dispensary or from the streets, you don’t know exactly what you are getting. Sure with a dispensary you know milligrams and health facts as well as ingredients, but a lot of times you don’t know what kind of cannabis is in the edibles.

If you read my article, “What is Indica and Sativa?“, You will see that strains are important. Someone who has troubles sleeping at night should not be eating edibles with a cannabis sativa strain in them. Because sativa strains are known as uppers and will even help you focus. Same with a person that is trying to tame some ADD, and needs help focusing, shouldn’t take an edible made with a cannabis indica strain in it.

So, when you make them yourself you decide which strain goes in the edibles you are making. You also decide how much is going into them, or in other words how strong to make them. As I’ve mentioned in the past, everybody has different cannabinoid receptors in their bodies.

This means cannabis affects everyone differently. So, some people need stronger edibles, and others need less potent edibles. I make it easy to figure out how much cannabis to add to your edibles. It only takes 3 things, cookie mix (or other food ingredients), cannabis flower, and a little math. Well a few materials that you may have to purchase if you don’t already have them laying around.

Everything you need to make cannabis cookies

Obviously, if you are baking cookies you will need everything that you would normally need to make them. So, a baking sheet, a mixing bowl, a mixer, and the cookie dough ingredients. I like to use the Betty Crocker cookie dough mixes, because they are cheap and simple to make. They have peanut butter, chocolate chip, sugar cookies, and more.

Next are a couple things that will help keep you from winging it.

An electric herb grinder– Is a very nice tool to have on hand in the kitchen for lots of things. However for your cookies you need the cannabis to be ground super fine. Most cannabis grinders tend to give you a chunky grind that’s meant for smoking not cooking with. However, if you don’t have an electric herb grinder, and don’t want to buy one. You could dry double grinding it in a regular cannabis grinder to help it get finer, but you will still notice it more this way in the edible itself.

A food scale– This is more of a need than the electric herb grinder. Unless you are just going to wing the amount you put in, and have one of two things happen. One, nothing happens, because it wasn’t enough. Or, you put too much in, and you end up in an alternate dimension, that you feel like you can’t get back from. I guess you could get lucky and put the right amount in, but how would you know for next time how much the perfect amount was? Anyways you want the scale to be able to read the weight in grams.

Finally you will need the right strain for you. To help you decide the right strain, you can reference the same article I mentioned earlier. “What is Indica and Sativa?“. This article will help you figure out what strain will be most beneficial for you. Once you have your strain picked out and obtained it’s time to get baking! Also, feel free to check out the links at the bottom of the article for the food scale and electric grinder that I like the most.

Before we get to baking, let’s discuss potency.

The more cannabis you add to your edibles, the stronger they will be. Typical edibles are around 10-25 mg per piece. So, one cookie would have 10-25 mg of marijuana in them. How do you figure out how to get 10 mg of cannabis.

Well this is quite simple actually. There’s 1000 mg in every gram of cannabis. So, with 1 gram of cannabis you could make 100, 10 mg cookies. Another thing you could do is make 10, 100 mg cookies, and then split them into 4 pieces. Each piece would then have 25 mg of cannabis in them.

As with everything, I suggest starting off slow and working your way up. If you make 25 mg edibles, then eat 1 and wait an hour to see if you feel the effects. If you don’t feel it, then eat another piece. I would limit to no more than 4 pieces though because you could train wreck yourself. If you don’t feel anything after 4 just keep waiting. As I said cannabis effects everyone differently.

I’ve had edibles that took 20-30 minutes to kick in, and ones that took hours. So, just be patient, and stay in tune with your body. You could be having effects without even realizing it.

Making your cannabis cookies.

First, you are going to want to preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Before you bake the cookies, you have to bake the finely ground cannabis first. This is because cannabis when eaten in its raw form doesn’t actually do anything. You have to activate the THC with heat to release the carboxylates in the cannabis. This is called decarboxylation.

Then, take 1 gram of cannabis flower, and put it in your electric grinder. You want to grind it until its very fine, about the same consistency as onion or garlic powder. This way you don’t actually taste the cannabis much in the cookies. Once ground, spread it out on a small baking sheet, and bake it at 250 dgrees for about 15 minutes on the middle wrack of the oven. You are looking to take it from green to a light brown color.

Finally you add it to the badder of your favorite cookie mix. I like to add it at the beginning before I mix the cookie mix at all, this way I make sure its evenly distributed. Sometimes when you try to mix the cannabis with already formed dough it doesn’t get mixed in evenly. This making some cookies stronger than others. Plan for 10 cookies to help keep the math simple.

This will make each cookie 100 mg, but like I said before, you can break them up into smaller pieces after they are done. Quartering each cookie would make 25 mg pieces which is a good starting point.

Now you just bake them, let them cool and enjoy them. Before you start, let me give you a couple tips.

  1. it is a good idea to make non-cannabis infused cookies along with your cannabis ones. You will likely want to have more than a quarter of a cookie. Especially after the cannabis cookies set in.
  2. Put them in a specifically marked container or bag, separate from all of your snacks.
  3. Keep them out of reach from children and pets.
  4. If for some reason you vomit while on edibles. I don’t know maybe you are partying while on edibles, and you throw up, like a lot of partiers do. Don’t throw up somewhere that your dogs or other animals can get to it. Don’t ask, of course you asked. No, it was not me that threw up edibles in the back yard, but it was my dog that found it. That was an interesting time.

I hope this helped.

Here at, we like to keep things simple, even our edibles. There are a lot of people that would tell you that you have to use cannabis butter or oil to make edibles with. Which takes very lengthy processes to make. They cost a lot of money, and contain strains that you may or may not need. This is a cheap, efficient, and effective way to make edibles. Once you decarboxylate the finely ground cannabis, you can pretty much add it to anything, you just have to figure out how much.

Check out my favorite electric grinder here.

Check out the scale I like to use.

Also feel free to leave any questions or comments below, and check out my whole site at

3 thoughts on “How to Make Cannabis Cookies. The simple way!”

  1. As a big fan of Cannabis products, i never tried Cannabis Cookies. Looking forward to make these with my friends. The receipe details are very well explained, thank you for that!! However next time it would be nice to have more details about the effects, some advices about where to eat them and also if it can be dangerous for people that are not Cannabis friendly. 

    1. Thank you for your comment Leonardo! That is a great idea! I have lots of thoughts on the great places to enjoy edibles at! I have not heard of edibles being dangerous. People born with natural cannbinoid receptors in their bodies. How those cannabinoid receptors react with cannabinoids is different for everyone, but never dangerous. It just means for some the High is more intense and others it is less. With edibles being up to 7 times more active in your system it could make some people feel overwhelmed. this is why I always suggest to start off with low milligram edibles and work your way up!

  2. I’m so grateful that cannabis, is considered cool finally. I grew up in the days where it was illegal and it was really hard to get and then you weren’t getting good stuff. Now you can literally make your cookies out of it and nobody cares. I had cookies Cookies from cannabis and they taste awesome so this is something I’m looking forward to trying. Have a good day

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