What is a CBD Gummy?

Welcome to cannabistheanswer.com, the cannabis for everyone site, where we provide a judgment free zone to learn and talk all about cannabis. What is a CBD gummy? That is a very good question, and one i hope to answer in this article for you. As always this is not medical advice and is written for educational purposes only.

Who doesn’t like gummies? right? this could be why this is one of the most popular forms of consuming cannabis worldwide. if you are new to the cannabis world, then you probably didn’t know this. However, it is true. To some people this could be alarming, because children tend to love gummy bears. This is why cannabis gummies aren’t allowed to be shaped like bears in most legal states. They also, usually come in discrete packaging that doesn’t look like candy to children. Obviously, you have to parent your child, and make sure they don’t take any of your medications.

There are so many options for consuming cannabis, including other edilbles like cookies. There are even drinks and syrups. Put some cannabis syrup on your pancakes, and let me know how it is. So, why cannabis gummies?

People love convenience.

You are out and your back starts hurting. So, you reach into your pocket pull out a small baggy of CBD rich gummies. Then, you eat one without anyone batting an eye lash. Like any other medication wait 30-60 minutes to feel the effects. One little gummy bear packs the same cannabinoid mg as a cookie or brownie, which are much larger and harder to carry with you. Not to mention pack way more calories and fat than one little gummy. So, you can have a whole bag of gummies on you at any time, and discretely eat one to help you with your ailment.

It is inconvenient to have to stand, or sit there and smoke plant material, like CBD or THC flower. Its also stinky, which could raise concerns around you, that could result in a call to local law enforcement, depending on where you live. Yes, you can get in trouble for smoking legal CBD rich cannabis in states that THC rich cannabis or marijuana is illegal. This can happen, because the officers do not have field tests to tell the difference between THC and CBD cannabis. Obviously, anytime law enforcement shows up you are going to be inconvenienced.

So, play it safe and tasty, by consuming in a discrete convenient way, that wont raise eyebrows. There are many other reasons to use gummies as your form of consumption. Another good reason, is their effectiveness.

Are CBD gummies effective?

As I explained in my previous article, “What is The Best Way to Consume Cannabis?“, cannabis edibles can be up to 7 times more effective than any other form of consumption. So, Id say yes, they are effective. As I also discussed, just because one strain doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean another wont change your entire world. There are 1000’s of strains of both THC and CBD rich cannabis in the world. All you have to do is find the one that works best for you. Most people are able to achieve this by trying just a few different strains. The second strain I ever tried, is still one of my top favorites ever.

CBD gummies can be effective for many different things from pain to mental relief. CBD gummies can help enhance your over all lifestyle. You could walk through life pain free with your worries and troubles under control in your mind. When you use other forms of CBD you are only receiving 1/7th of the possible relief that you could be getting.

I’ve talked a lot about CBD rich cannabis gummies. While you can find some very good relief with CBD, why not achieve better results if possible.

THC and CBD Benefits.

It is our human nature to create new things that help us achieve better results. So, naturally humans have combined two great things, CBD and THC, to get the best results possible. From my experience, it worked. If you read my about page, https://cannabistheanswer.com/about-conner-founder/, you will see that I started my journey with cannabis because of pain. I was way to young to be having the kind of pain I was having, and I sure as heck wasn’t turning to opioids.

So, I started trying different kinds of cannabis and ways to consume it. The most effective way I found was to consume it through edibles. After some research it was easy to understand why. I tried some THC rich edibles and whew, you have to be careful with those. They can take you to another dimension. I also tried CBD gummies. The consensus was that I found good pain relief with both kinds.

It wasn’t until my wife and I were on a work assignment in New England, that I discovered how well they both work when combined. I stumbled across some 2:1 CBD:THC gummies. This means they had 20mg of CBD and 10mg of THC. I found the most relief to date when I tried these gummies. The combination of CBD and THC, makes for a remedy that not only helped me with pain, but also any mental blocks that I was having as well. I found that they have ones that can brighten your mood, and give you that kick start you need for the day. They also have ones that will give your body a break and even help you sleep as well.

If you dont like the effects of THC.

I have to explain, that any kind of THC, is likely to give you some form of cerebral effects. While CBD combined with THC, can negate the effects of the THC. If you don’t like the “high” feeling, then it’s best you stick to CBD only cannabis gummies. If you do this though, I urge you to give a couple different strains a try, before you decide weather CBD gummies are for you.

Some sites may not name specific strains, either. So, I will provide you a guide here on what key words to look for for each particular kind of strain. Also to learn more about the different types and strains of cannabis visit my article, “What is Indica and Sativa?“. Here I go into further detail about the strains of cannabis and how they work, and this will help you decide which strain is best for you.

So, you have to decide which kind is going to be the best for you first. Do you like or need a sativa, indica or hybrid. if you like indicas, then you are going to want to look for words like, “relax” and “sleepy”. With sativas, you can look for words like, “energy” and “boost”. Hybrids can be a bit tricky, because they can have both the effects of sativa and indica. If you are a person that prefers a hybrid, then you want to look for words like, “happy” and “even”.

I hope this helps!

As always, I hope this helps you on your journey to relief through cannabis! To learn more about cannabis, whether CBD rich, THC rich, or a mixture of both, keep fallowing my website for new and previous articles. My goal is to create a judgment free place for people like you to learn all about cannabis. Then, you can take that knowledge, and make an educated decision on what path will work best for you.

If you are interested in starting your journey to relief through cannabis at this time, then I highly recommend visiting Green Roads website. you can just click on Green Roads, and it will take you to their home page. From there, you can learn even more about CBD, THC, Gummies and other forms of consumption. Green Roads, much like myself, is all about helping you find your path to relief!!

If you have any questions or input, then feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

7 thoughts on “What is a CBD Gummy?”

  1. This blog highlights the appeal of cannabis gummies as a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis, especially for those on the go. It emphasizes the practicality of gummies, discussing their portability, ease of use, and discreet packaging. The author shares personal experiences with both CBD and THC gummies, emphasizing the potential benefits of combining the two for enhanced relief. The blog also provides useful information about different strains and offers a recommendation for those starting their cannabis journey with Green Roads. Overall, the blog strikes a good balance between personal experience, practical advice, and educational content.

  2. I am a huge fan and supporter of CBD and THC use. I do not push my opinions or beliefs on anyone, but if they ask me I do not hold back either. 

    Thank you for this review of the gummies, I prefer using flower, whether it is CBD or THC, I like to smoke. I love the flavor of a good indica. I am not super partial to edibles, just because they hit me differently than smoking. 

    If you like more of a mellow body high, edibles are the way to go, they hit slow and pack a punch depending on what strain you use. If you are looking for instant relief, the flower is the power for sure. It is all in what you are looking for when you are trying or using these products for sure.

    Thanks for this review. I found it personally to be a very interesting read, and love that you offer further advice to new users. Not everyone thinks of the newbies, nice looking out. 


  3. Hey thank you for this post!

    I really enjoyed reading this post, the style of the way you have written makes it much more enjoyable to read, almost like you are talking to a friend! 

    I have learnt quite a lot from your website about CBD which I hadn’t a clue before. CBD gumming certainly seem more effective than I had actually thought. The one that lifts moods up certainly I can do with.

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  4. Your article on CBD gummies is informative and well-explained. I appreciate how you highlighted the potential benefits without overstating them. Have you personally experienced any specific advantages from using CBD gummies? I’ve found they’ve helped me manage occasional stress, promoting a sense of calm without any psychoactive effects.

    However, I noticed a lack of information about dosage and potential side effects. It might be beneficial to include guidance on finding the right dosage and addressing common concerns people might have, such as interactions with other medications. Have you encountered any reliable resources or tips on determining the appropriate dosage for CBD products like gummies? Overall, your article serves as a great introduction to CBD gummies, but additional details on dosing and safety considerations would make it even more comprehensive.

  5. Hello and thank you for sharing what, in my view, is such exciting, new information on CBD.  The health benefits have been hidden from plain view for so long and it’s encouraging that, now, people have the benefit of discovering the numerous health benefits!  You have covered the ground in easy to understand language and I’ll look forward to more from you on this topic.  I’m particularly interested in the pain relief aspects which you have highlighted in your post.  Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us!

    Grant Rayner

  6. Wow some good stuff here.  I have had someone close to me who tried CBD for pain relief, but I believe she only tried one form and only that one strand. I had no idea that there were so many different strands and that they could have so varied an impact. After reading this, I may encourage her to keep trying, and maybe try the blend like you ended up landing on. Pain is really debilitating for her. It would be so nice for her to gain her quality of life back.

    I also respect that you are managing your pain with CBD instead of opioids! CBD can be controversial, but any sustained use of opioids is sure to be a problem! 

  7. Hi Conner,

    I wanted to express my gratitude for the insightful content you’ve shared on the website. As someone who has dealt with back pain for a significant portion of the past 15 years, I couldn’t help but reflect on how beneficial the information you provided would have been during that challenging period.

    Fortunately, I’ve overcome those difficulties, and my back pain has dissipated. However, I can’t help but think about the positive impact your content could have had on my journey. Your insights would have been a valuable resource during those years.

    Your efforts are genuinely appreciated.

    Best regards,

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