Is Marijuana Safe for Dogs?

Welcome to, the cannabis for everyone site, where we provide a judgment free zone to learn and talk all about cannabis. With the numbers of people using cannabis for day to day relief on the rise. A lot of people are also wondering if this natural plant can help more than just themselves. The first question that comes to mind is, if it is safe or not. So first, is marijuana safe for dogs? Second can it possibly give my dog the same relief it has given me? As always this is not medical advice and is written for educational purposes only.

I have a doberman mix, that just seems to have all the possible issues a dog could have. If he isn’t anxious or wound up, then he is itchy, or whining over something else. Is it possible that cannabis could help him with these issues? The short answer is, yes it can help them, and yes it can be safe for them. However, you have to be careful.

Less is more.

Dogs have Twice as many cannabinoid receptors as humans do. Cannabinoid receptors are, the natural receptors that we are born with. These receptors interact with the compounds in cannabis, known as cannabinoids. Everybody has a different number of cannabinoid receptors. However, dogs have twice as many cannabinoid receptors as the average human. This means, that the cannabinoids in cannabis, affect them twice as much as they affect us.

This is why you have to be careful, what kind of cannabis you give your dog, and how much. Fortunately, for them this means less is more. If only it worked this good for humans. It’s probably a good thing it doesn’t though. We are good at controlling our dogs, but not always so good at controlling ourselves. Anyways, next we will go over what kind of cannabis could benefit your little fur buddy, and which kinds you should steer away from.

Is THC safe for dogs.

In very small amounts, THC can be okay for your dog. Dogs don’t have the same brain structures and intelligence as humans do. Therefor, getting high is a totally different experience for a dog than it is for a human. Too much THC could leave your furry friend furrreeeakking the hec out.

I have a funny story with the same doberman that I mentioned earlier… While I’m glad I can laugh about it now, I was freaking out in the moment. I was having a gathering, and my brother and I decided to take some edibles. Some human edibles. My brother also had something to eat earlier that day that was messing with his stomach. Later that night he ended up getting sick outside in the backyard. I didn’t think anything of it, and was glad he threw up outside instead of inside.

I was not so glad the next day. My sweet little doby had found my brothers vomit, and he was eating it. Normally okay, gross, but he’s a dog, he’ll be fine. Obviously, I didn’t just let him eat it all i cleaned it away after I caught him. However, it was too late. He had eaten enough. What I didn’t think about, was the fact that my brother had eaten edibles a few hours before he threw up.

I thought my dog was on his way out, by how he was acting. I thought he was having a seizure or something. So, I rushed him to the emergency vet. Come to find out, he is just really baked. He ended being up just fine, and the emergency vet bill was only 90 dollars. Take my advice though, and avoid all that by using CBD rich cannabis with dogs instead of THC.

CBD for dogs.

I have tried some hemp treats, or CBD rich cannabis treats, for our dogs. I have found, that these are pretty effective in helping my dogs with various different issues. My other dog has been injured before, and he was in a lot of pain. Regular  dog aspirin wasn’t cutting it. I could that tell he was still in pain. So, I gave him a couple CBD treats, and we could tell he felt a little better. CBD, can give them the medical benefits of cannabis, without the cerebral effects, that marijuana can have.

We have tried a few different CBD products for our dogs, and one product that seems to work pretty well isCBD oil. Just like with humans, you drop these under their tongue or in their cheek, and let it sit for 30-60 seconds to absorb. These have helped with anxiety as well as pain for our dogs. A lot of people like to use them for while they are away, to help keep their dog from getting to anxious in their absence.

Can you give your dog too much CBD?

As I discussed earlier it can be very easy for your dog to receive too much THC, But is it the same for CBD? No, because like we discussed earlier CBD doesn’t carry the same psychoactive properties as THC. This doesn’t mean you should give them a bunch. Always fallow the instructions on the product that you buy for the best results. You aren’t likely to overdose your dog on CBD, if its even possible at all. However, the goal here is to make them feel comfortable, and give them relief.

They still have twice the receptors that we do. Too much of any cannibinoid could give them sensory overload. So, again fallow what the package says, and also consult your vet before trying any CBD products with your dog or other pets.

I hope this helps.

When it comes to our furry little best friends, who help us in so many ways, we need to be able to return the favor. We can do this by paying attention to them, and learning if they have any ailments. Then we can find a way to provide them relief, like they help provide to us. This relief could come from CBD treats or oils.

As always, I hope this helps. If you would like to check out some CBD oil for your dogs, then I highly recommend Green Roads. They are a cannabis company, that specializes in CBD, with a big focus on helping you and your pets feel better, and live better lives! Just click Green Roads to check out their website. Their site, is also a good place to learn more about CBD as well. Leave me any comments or questions below, and as always thanks for reading.

One thought on “Is Marijuana Safe for Dogs?”

  1. Hello! This article on the safety of marijuana for dogs is quite thought-provoking. It’s a topic that many pet owners might be curious about, especially with the increasing prevalence of marijuana use in society.

    The potential risks of marijuana for dogs, as you’ve outlined, are concerning. It’s a stark reminder that what might be beneficial or harmless to humans can be harmful to our pets.

    I am curious to know further about the long-term effects on dogs.

    Looking forward to reading your insights!

    Best wishes,


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