Does Marijuana Help With Anxiety?

Welcome to, the cannabis for everyone site, where we provide a judgment free zone to learn and talk all about cannabis. Do you have overwhelming anxiety? I know I can at times. Which is why I want to help you with the big question. Does marijuana help with anxiety? As always this is not medical advice, and is written for educational purposes only.

In today’s world, anxiety seems to be second nature for a lot of people. There is just too much going on all the time. Even when you are relaxing for the night, your mind is probably still racing with thoughts of the next day. I found myself in this same position before I started my journey with cannabis.

What is anxiety.

As with anything, it helps to know what things are before we can fix them. Anxiety can be feelings of being overwhelmed, restlessness, or even a scared feeling. You may feel scared and not even know why sometimes. I know I have. Personally, i have had anxiety so bad, that it lead to panic attacks.

You may also find yourself simply unable to shut off your brain. No matter what else you focus on, thoughts of life and all of its stresses, just keep racing through your mind. Maybe, you are trying to spend coveted time with your child or a loved one, and you just aren’t in the moment. All, because you have overwhelming anxiety that is ruling your life. I speak from experience, when i say that you can take your mind back over. You can decide what stresses you and what doesn’t, or even just be able to escape it all and relax for once.

Feeling unproductive?

Anxiety can be crippling! i have had times when anxiety has caused me to sit here staring at this computer screen not able to write anything. As you have probably gathered, I’m a writer. I write articles, content for websites, and I’m working on my first book. Sometimes, i have so much going on in my head, that i literally can’t come up with anything to write. A writer that doesn’t know what to write? Talk about mental block. All caused by anxiety.

Or maybe you need to clean your house, and because of life it has gotten way out of hand. Also, because of life, you have-= an overwhelming amount of anxiety already, and the house is adding to it. You don’t even know where to begin, I’ve been here too.

Like me, maybe, you need to start working out again. However, its been so long and you have too much other stuff going on in your life. This making it feel impossible to clear your head and start working out again. I have been there too many times in my life.

If I found relief, then so can you.

So, what is the answer? Well, I’m not going to guarantee anything, but my website is called for a reason. Like it was for me, cannabis could be the answer to helping you escape anxiety!

I remember when i didn’t have a safe escape from my anxiety. I used to drink alcohol a lot to get an escape from my stress and anxiety. However, as i mentioned in my earlier article, “Marijuana for Beginners”, alcohol can be very dangerous. Alcohol accounts for tens of thousands of deaths per year. Looking at it from this stand point, I’m lucky anxiety didn’t kill me.

I’m not going to say that i found a cure for anxiety. Sadly, i believe anxiety is hard-wired into us at this point. There is just too much going on all the time, and too much to worry about, to not have anxiety. So, what are you to do in a world where anxiety is inescapable?

Finding relief.

Because, anxiety is inescapable on a daily basis, you have to find ways to give yourself relief. Even if its just for the evening or a couple of hours. Your mind needs that mental break, or you could literally stress yourself to death. I have personally used prescribed medications like Prozac and buspirone for anxiety. However, they are delayed release, and only seem to help cut the edge just enough to function.

So, you cut the edge, and function just enough to live life like a robot? Nope, not me anyways. I chose to find the relief my mind needed, and I did that with cannabis. Cannabis has helped me find safe relief from my anxiety. I am able to take a mental break at the end of the day and pick up my thoughts the next day. How nice does that sound?

Maybe, you need help to focus on something. I have used cannabis to help me focus as well. I have also found it very helpful in keeping me more productive. As i mentioned earlier, anxiety can cause such mental block that you become unproductive. This has happened to me so many times. However, when i consume the right cannabis, i can clear my mind and focus on the task at hand.

As i stated in my earlier article, “What is Indica and Sativa?“, you have to find the right strain that works best for you. You can read this article to help you make that decision. For now, sativa makes you feel uplifted, and makes your mind move. Indica helps you relax, and maybe even sleep. Finally, hybrids are a nice in between of both affects. Once you find the right strain for you, you will find the relief you need from that anxiety. I personally use all three, just depending on the situation.

I hope this helps!

I don’t think there is a cure for anxiety. The world is just too crazy, and we are just too busy all the time. What i know though, is that you can find relief from anxiety with cannabis. I know this, because i have found it myself, and i have seen it help many others around me with anxiety. It can give you a break, motivation, and even focus. All of these things can help you fight anxiety in many scenarios! The best thing you can do is to keep educating yourself, and figure out what is going to work best for you.

As always take it slow, learn, enjoy the benefits, and leave any comments or questions below!

One thought on “Does Marijuana Help With Anxiety?”

  1. Hi there! This is a very insightful article on the potential benefits of marijuana for anxiety. It’s a topic that’s gaining a lot of attention these days, especially with the ongoing debates about the legalization of marijuana.

    I found it interesting how you discussed the different ways marijuana could potentially help with anxiety. It made me wonder about the experiences of people who have used marijuana for this purpose. Have they found it effective in managing their anxiety symptoms?

    Also, I’m curious about the long-term effects of using marijuana for anxiety. While it might provide temporary relief, are there any studies or data that suggest it could have lasting benefits?

    Lastly, I’d love to hear more about the role of CBD and THC in this context. How do these compounds contribute to the potential anxiety-relieving effects of marijuana?

    Thanks for sharing this information. I’m looking forward to learning more about this topic.

    Best regards,


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