Arizer V-tower Vaporizer Review. The Cleanest way to Smoke Weed.

Welcome to, the cannabis for everyone site, where we provide a judgment free zone to learn and talk all about cannabis. I have talked about some different ways to consume cannabis. I have even talked about my favorite, and what I consider to be the best way to consume cannabis. However, today I want to talk about a less popular, but potentially the cleanest way to consume cannabis. Welcome to the Arizer V-tower Vaporizer Review. This is not medical or legal advice, and is written for educational purposes only.

This is, potentially, the cleanest way to smoke weed. In my previous article, “What is The Best Way to Consume Cannabis?”, I talked about several ways to consume cannabis. I discussed everything from rolling it up and smoking it, to buying it in a concentrate form, and dabbing or vaping it in a vape pen. What I did not discuss though was vaporizing dry herb.

What is a dry herb vaporizer?

A dry herb vape or vaporizer, is a device that you put dry herb into and can then “vape” it through that device. So, you put your weed into a dry herb vaporizer. What happens next? Unlike normal ways of smoking marijuana, vaping actual plant material is a little different, and it is a lot different from vaping concentrates like in a pen. In a pen, whether in a cartridge, pod or a dabber, they all use concentrates from the cannabis. Dry herb vaporizers use actual plant material.

When you put your cannabis, or weed, into a dry herb vaporizer, it doesn’t burn it like the traditional ways of consuming marijuana. The best way I can describe it, is that they toast, or bake the weed. This puts off a very light smoke or vapor that consists of all the properties of the cannabis. It delivers all the cannabinoids without burning the plant material.

What you are left with is a dry brown plant material that you dispose of. Basically, all the other stuff that would have burnt off, and went into your lungs, that you don’t need. However, It still delivers all the same effects as smoking marijuana, or vaping a concentrate pen.

What is the best dry herb vaporizer?

I have used a couple, different dry herb vaporizers. The first one I tried was a pocket or portable version. To me it didn’t smell. So, I thought it would be good for public use. That was until I stunk the entire family out on the beach. So, if you are looking for a discrete option, then a dry herb vape is not the best option. Honestly, the most discrete ways to consume don’t include smoking or vaping at all. Even the vape pens put off a smell, its just more faint than the others.

Anyways, the pocket one worked alright. I didn’t end up using it much, and now I just use vape pens when I’m on the go, because they are more discrete. Since then, I have tried a few others including the Arizer V-tower Vaporizer. In my opinion it is the best dry herb vaporizer on the market. No, it is not pocket size, but it is still small enough to take it with you on vacation, or to a friends house. This is made to be used in a house setting and definitely with friends. This is a very social peace, and will up your party game quite a bit. Your friends that partake, will definitely geek out over this peace. I know mine did.

The Arizer V-tower.

This vaporizer is about as easy to use as it gets. Its literally like loading a bowl or a bong. You just load the bowl with your weed, or other dried cannabis, and put it in the top of the vaporizer. Then you attach the hose, that comes with it, right to the top of the bowl. From there, you go down to the bottom of the device, and select your temperature settings. As with anything, start slow with a low temperature, and work your way up. Especially, if you haven’t used one of these before.

You simply, take a draw off of the hose and inhale. You don’t have to push a button or use a lighter. You can also use it without the house, but I only recommend this for aroma therapy purposes. There really isn’t a lot of value to inhaling it directly, as opposed to, through the hose. Although, that is an option if you would like to try it. I like to stick to the hose for the smoothest, cleanest hit possible. Its also easy to pass to a friend.

How much The Arizer Cost and where to get one.

If you type into google, “dry herb vaporizer”, then you will receive a wide range of products, that may or may not be functional and useful. You could type in, “Arizer”, and more than likely find an authentic one. However, there is a big risk of buying a knockoff, that looks just like the product you are looking for these days. Did you know, that most the Crocs shoes bought online, are fakes?

I like to share where I buy my equipment, so that you and other people have a safe and reputable place to go, and buy the products they need. Not only the products that you need, but good quality products that will last, and give you the best results. So, if you are interested in the Arizer V-Tower Vaporizer, then you can check it and many other good quality smoking products here.

Lets talk price. For a good quality Dry herb vaporizer, you are looking at as much as 200 dollars or more. The Arizer V-tower ranges From around 130 to 150 dollars. If you decide to purchase one of these dry herb vaporizers at, The Arizer V-tower on smoke cartel’s website, and type in coupon code CANNABISTHEANSWER at check out. You will receive 10% off of your purchase. This code will also work for everything else in the store as well. So, feel free to browse around, and see what they have. It is a great place for beginners, as well as connoisseur like myself.

Now I understand that this may be a bit much to spend on trying something new. So, if you are looking for something a little more budget friendly to try dry herb vaping, then I suggest a pocket vaporizer. Even though I don’t like them as much as the table-top one for various reasons. They will at least help you figure out if this form of consumption is the right one for you. Click here, to check out my favorite pocket style, dry herb vaporizer.

I hope you found this helpful!

While on my journey with cannabis, I have tried many ways of consuming marijuana. I have to say, there is nothing quite like vaping dry herb. Its very clean, in the fact that you aren’t filling your lungs with extra smoke, that doesn’t need to be there. It tastes clean and smooth when you smoke it. My hope is that this helps you on your cannabis journey!

My goal for, is to help as many people on their journey with cannabis as I can. So, feel free to check out the rest of my page by clicking the home button or the blue link above. There is always more to learn! Please leave any questions or comments below. I’m always happy to interact with my readers!

9 thoughts on “Arizer V-tower Vaporizer Review. The Cleanest way to Smoke Weed.”

  1. This blog post provides a comprehensive and insightful review of the Arizer V-Tower Vaporizer, presenting it as a potentially cleaner alternative for consuming cannabis. The author emphasizes the difference between traditional smoking methods and vaporizing dry herb, highlighting the latter’s ability to deliver cannabinoids without burning the plant material.

    The personal experience shared about trying different dry herb vaporizers, including a portable version, adds credibility to the review. The mention of the Arizer V-Tower’s ease of use and social appeal, particularly in group settings, provides valuable information for potential users.

    The inclusion of practical advice, such as starting with a low temperature and gradually increasing it, enhances the educational aspect of the post. The author’s recommendation to purchase from a reputable source and the offer of a discount code for readers contribute to a helpful and trustworthy narrative.

    The acknowledgment of varying budget considerations with a suggestion for a more budget-friendly option for those trying dry herb vaping for the first time demonstrates consideration for a diverse audience. Overall, the blog post is well-structured, informative, and provides a personal touch that can resonate with readers on their cannabis journey.

  2. This looks like a much better way to smoke weed than using it with a cigarette for sure! Is it even cleaner than using a vape pen? I want to quit smoking overall, so instead of using weed in a cake or something, this looks like an easier way to get the benefits of weed without the cons, thanks for the review!

    1. Hey Lizzy. You are spot on with this. You aren’t actually combusting material and inhaling it with these. I would rate this a cleaner than a vape pen. I say this, because the oil that is in the vape pens is processed cannabinoids. With this you are using cannabis in its most natural form. In my opinion I’d rank this as the number 1 cleanest way to consume cannabis through inhaling it. 

      Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any other questions. 

  3. Hello there!

    The Arizer V Tower Vaporizer seems to be a standout product in the vaping community. The affordability of the product is worth mentioning also. I never used a vaping instrument, and you’re insights into the product make me more than confident to try it.

    I am curious about its effects, which also depend on the cannabis I’ll have at that time.

    I’ll be back with feedback about this “instrument”.

    By the way, great post and site. I look forward to your content.

    Best wishes,


  4. Hi Conner,
    Your review of the Arizer V-tower vaporizer is informative and gives a good understanding of its features, particularly highlighting its cleanliness compared to other methods of consuming cannabis. I appreciate your personal experiences and the practical tips you shared. However, I’m a bit skeptical about the claim that it’s the cleanest way to consume cannabis. Could you elaborate on how it compares to other high-quality vaporizers in terms of preserving the purity and flavor of the cannabis?
    Thank you for your work and for sharing this review!

    Best regards

  5. The review of the Arizer V-tower Vaporizer on Cannabis The Answer is thorough and provides a unique perspective on its use as a cleaner way to consume cannabis. The author’s personal experiences and the detailed explanation of how the vaporizer works offer valuable insights for anyone considering this method of consumption. It’s a great read for those interested in a potentially healthier alternative to traditional smoking methods.

  6. I had no idea that there were so many different ways to ‘smoke weed.’ If I were going to make this a habit, I would definitely look at the least smelly way to go. I tried it once by smoking it and I wouldn’t say I liked the taste it left in my mouth, as well as the smell that lingered afterward.

    I see it is quite pricey, but once you have bought the equipment, hopefully it lasts a long time before you need to replace it.

  7. Hey there again! Just stumbled upon your review of the Arizer V Tower vaporizer, and I’ve got to say, you’re really diving deep into the world of cannabis! 🌿 Your insights into the cleanest way to smoke weed are invaluable, especially for those of us looking for a healthier alternative. I appreciate how you’ve laid out the features and benefits of the vaporizer in such a detailed manner—it’s like having a personal guide to making an informed decision. But here’s the burning question: Have you noticed any significant differences in the vaping experience compared to traditional smoking methods? I’m intrigued to hear your firsthand perspective on how it stacks up. Keep blazing the trail with your informative content—I’ll definitely be referring back to this review when considering my next cannabis-related purchase!

  8. Reading through the review of the Arizer V-Tower Vaporizer, I must say, I’m intrigued. The idea of a clean and smooth vaping experience without the harshness of smoke definitely appeals to me. I appreciate the detailed explanation of how it works and the comparison to other methods of cannabis consumption.

    The mention of its ease of use is particularly appealing to me. As someone who prefers simplicity in their devices, the idea of just loading the bowl and inhaling without the need for buttons or lighters sounds convenient and straightforward.

    While the price point is a bit higher than some other options, the potential benefits of investing in a quality vaporizer like the Arizer V-Tower seem worth it, especially considering the discount code provided. The fact that it’s designed for group settings adds another layer of appeal, as I often enjoy sharing cannabis experiences with friends.

    Overall, I’m seriously considering purchasing the Arizer V-Tower Vaporizer. It seems like it could offer a cleaner and more enjoyable way to consume cannabis, and I appreciate the thorough review that helped me understand its features and benefits.

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